Event Marketing that works – for you

Demonstrate your solutions and expertise to senior IT executives

Demo Event Marketing will grow your future sales more effectively than any other form of marketing.

To prove the point, ask yourself the question: what other marketing process will put you in front of quality prospects, so you can pitch your technology, services or skills?

At StrategyMix, we have a proven track record of running demo events (as shown below), so we know how to put you in front of a quality audience.

How we make YOU look good

Step 1: Responsive database

To make you look good, our first step is to get you in front of the right audience and for this we have developed (over many years) a responsive database of prospects who trust us sufficiently to at least consider our demo event invitations.

There are two groups where we have had particular success: mid-market CIOs and enterprise cyber security managers and CISOs.

Step 2: Proprietary Event Marketing Technology

To help ensure we get the right delegates to attend, StrategyMix has developed a sophisticated drip-feed marketing and telesales process. This has been optimised to maintain contact with prospects, but not too much contact as we don’t want people stop reading our emails and taking our calls.

We also have a topic interest system to refine our marketing so that we prioritise those with high interest and avoid those where we know the topic is not relevant.

And we now have our AI-driven event marketing chatbots, which include short teaser videos to encourage registrations. This is an industry first.

Step 3: Guidance, Training and Moderation

We don’t just get the delegates (which we do). We also help you “get it right” on the day.

To do this, we keep our fingers on the pulse and provide you with market feedback on the problems and topics that are of current interest.

And we run a demo practice session at no extra cost (where we give constructive and very honest feedback), so you can make refinements to your delivery and messaging.

And finally, we provide high quality moderation, where we break the ice and manage the event on the day, to make you look good.

StrategyMix Event Marketing – 2 Pricing Options

Standard Pricing
A$5,000 per demo event (fixed price) or $500 per registration.


  • Development of all marketing materials
  • Email and Tele Marketing to recruit the delegates
  • Demo event practice session
  • Reminder emails and calls
  • On the Day Event Moderation
  • On the Day Zoom Poll for immediate delegate feedback
Subscription Pricing
A$2,500 per event on an annual program (10 events)

Includes all features available with standard pricing

Benefits of a Regular Event Marketing Program

  • 50% cost reduction on standard pricing
  • Consistency – a core principle of effective marketing
  • Build trust in your brand – it takes time and repetition to build trust
  • Get a free AI Event Marketing Chatbot
Shared Plans

If you do not have the budget for an annual plan (A$25,000), then you can join a partner to share a plan.

As examples:

You could split a plan with one partner and run 5 events each for A$12,500 or you could split a plan with 5 partners and run 2 events each for A$5,000. This pricing model is extremely cost effective for vendors, who may want to support their partners with a channel marketing program.