AI Donar Bots – The smart way for NFPs to increase donations

An AI Donar Bot is not like a normal Chatbot

It is much more engaging.

Most chatbots are either a contact request form or an offer to chat online with a human.

They don’t:

  • play videos to trigger an emotional response
  • allow visitors to ask questions and get insightful answers from your proprietary knowledgebase, aka ChatGPT
  • provide your website visitors with an engaging experience well in excess of your static website
  • use a repeatable conversational design that is continuously being optimised to maximise donations or e-newsletter subscriptions

Want to see for yourself?

The best way for you to appreciate what an AI Donar bot can do to help an NFP is to try it.

On the bottom right, you can click on our AI Donar Demo bot. Sadley it’s not a real Donar bot, but you’ll still get to see how it works.

We’d recommend that you click on the Watch Video option first as this will shows you some of its unique features. You can then ask questions to see how the AI responds.

Request a Custom Demo

The demo bot on this page is pretty good, but it won’t make the experience as personal as if it was a custom demo bot based on your own website, with the ability to play your videos and answer questions based on your website.

The good news is that you can easily request a custom demo, and it’s free !

To request a free custom demo, submit the form