StrategMix Insights Rules

Qualification for Membership
Membership is restricted to IT end-users and a few carefully selected trusted advisors, who we believe will add value to our groups by answering member questions with insightful answers.

Social Behaviour
Members are expected to always act in a professional manner, adopt normal forum protocols and be respectful of the opinions of others. Obscene language or bullying behaviour will not be tolerated.

Chatham House Rule
Just like our roundtables, the Chatham House Rule also applies to the StrategyMix Insights, the online portal. This means that anyone who joins the group is free to use information from within the group but is not allowed to reveal who made any particular comment. (

Overt Sales Behaviour and Product Spruiking
All members are asked to refrain from overt sales behaviour including the promotion of vendor products and services. Trusted advisors are asked to not message other group members requesting a sales call.

Report Abuse
Members are encouraged to report any abuse of these membership conditions, via the StrategyMix Contact Us form. All abuse reports will be treated with discretion and your identity will not be revealed.

Insights Promotions
To help us create the most useful discussions possible your job title and your company name may be shared with other potential members to encourage them to join the StrategyMix Groups.

Vendor Conditions
Additional rules apply to vendors.