Jonathan Calver

Jonathan Calver

NFP IT Buyers Group Roundtable

At this roundtable, we encourage you to nominate one technology or service you are considering purchasing, so you can benefit from the combined experienced of the group, which in this case will be other IT buyers from NFPs, based in Australia and New Zealand.

This is an opportunity to freely compare notes with your NFP peers, share your product / vendor experiences (both good and bad), get objective advice, potentially identify joint buying opportunities and avoid costly purchasing mistakes.

Key Benefits:

  • Get objective advice and recommendations from your industry peers related to IT products and services
  • Check with your peers before selecting vendors to avoid costly mistakes
  • Potentially identify joint buying opportunities

Invite an Industry Colleague

Since this is a collaborative event designed to benefit all the attendees, we encourage you to invite your NFP contacts to attend, so they can add extra value.


AMES Australia + Baptcare + Berry Street Victoria + Beyond Blue + Epic Assist + Epilepsy Foundation + Nazareth Charitable Trust + RSL LifeCare at Home + The Fred Hollows Foundation + The Shepherd Centre + Uniting + Valmar Support Services

Register Now


12:00 to 13:00 (AEDT)
Friday 16 February 2024

Virtual Format

8 Places Left