Aaron Laws
Head of Cloud Security
Jonathan Calver
You should attend this event if you do not feel confident that your Microsoft cloud security settings are fully optimised and like many, you do not have the internal skills to address this common problem.
The event will be run by Aaron Laws, Head of cloud security at StickmanCyber, who will start by explaining why configuration creep is a growing issue within cloud environments, with examples of security vulnerabilities that frequently go undetected.
He will then outline how to solve the problem, including:
Interested but unavailable? Request Video Highlights
If you are unable to attend this event on 09 August, you can request the video highlights. Typically, the video highlights are ready within 5 days of the event completion. Request Video Highlights.
Access to Sponsored Events
All events are free of charge. A condition of attendance is that you allow your contact details, including phone and email to be shared with the event sponsors.