Jonathan Calver

Jonathan Calver

Cyber Strategies for CIOs Open Discussion Roundtable

At these open discussion roundtables, we encourage each participant to bring one cyber question to the table that is of interest to you, so that you can benefit from the combined wisdom and experience of your peers.

To add further value, all questions are published in the StrategyMix Insights Online Forum, so you will get even more answers to your question.

Key Benefits of attending:

  • Exchange experiences, ask questions, and learn from your peers in a collaborative environment, where we operate under the Chatham House Rule
  • Get objective advice and recommendations from your industry peers related to IT products and services.
  • Check with your peers before selecting cyber vendors to make better buying decisions.

While the questions will be determined by the group, the sort of topics that were discussed in the last session included the use of automated security validation tools, cyber security frameworks, SOC as a Service, PII encryption, the threat from AI, maintaining board support for cyber investments and flagging security awareness programs.

Access to Sponsored Events

All events are free of charge. A condition of attendance is that you allow your contact details, including phone and email to be shared with the event sponsors. 


ANCA CNC Machines + Cedar Woods Properties Limited + Communify Qld + Dementia Australia + Department of Education + Epilepsy Foundation + Evolution Systems + Interfi Systems + Kingfisher Global + MyCISO + Peter Warren Automotive + StickmanCyber + StickmanCyber + Trideca

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12:00 to 13:00 (AEDT)
Friday 20 October 2023

Virtual Format


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